Thursday, December 8, 2016

McKenna Haase Racing, Her Life And Career

By Stephen Johnson

Nowadays, most young girls have already changed their lifestyle, instead of doing some other activities, they would prefer on going to shopping malls. But this girl named McKenna is different from those girls that most people see nowadays, not because of her physical appearance but because of the hobby she has engaged into, and this is racing. She became passionated about it when she went to mall and met Kasey Kahne.

Kasey Kahne is one of the famous racers from NASCAR then this meeting has made a greater impact into the life of McKenna. And also, her cousins also inspired since they also are racers which made her follow them. These have started when she already have some difficulties on dealing with her about this, such as convincing them to allow her on participating to the sport. McKennas parents really do not have ties for racing. But then they just allowed her and nodded on McKenna Haase racing.

She always have wished on having her own race car, but before that, she was making her practice for racing in two years at the Slideways Karting Center. And after, she talked to her parents about the race car. This scenario if often considered by McKenna as one very hard part in her young career. Then later on, she was able to bought her car.

Her father was hesitant at first, but then he was still able to guide and help her daughter with this career. Both them do not have the idea of doing the race, so what they did was relying on the basic techniques of driving. And also, they would watch the racing events live on television and also attend personally when they have the time. In her practices, all those techniques that she learned were applied.

From then on, her career began when she trekked up into higher ranks. At a very young age, McKenna already have made many accomplishments and has go up to the championships. McKenna also have traveled to different countries for competitions in various tracks. The 305 Sprint made her more famous and became a historic winning which happened before her graduation.

Along with dedication and success to the sport, she never forget still on focusing her studies in high school. And along with this, she had participated on various athletic sports and also maintained her high G. P. A or the grade point average in school. Her participation into various sports had helped her on maintaining her shape for the race. Haase always believed on having a good education.

During college, she took up finance. And because, she had acquired some business background, and thus, helped her for merchandise, sponsorships, and marketing. Usually, Haase spends her free time working in the offices for the business side of racing. Her tasks include team accounting, handling marketing promotions, and merchandise sales.

And sometimes, she will check her race car in the shop to prepare it for her next race. Though she is quite busy in her career, she does not forget on doing some work outs in the gym to ensure her body is physically fit. With all her attention and dedication, it cannot be questioned that she became very successful.

And thus, those obstacles that she experienced are considered as increasing costs to move up into higher ranks. One important thing for her is attributing her abilities for overcoming the obstacles by support and hard work. And lastly, focusing mainly on goals achievement.

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