Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Why It Can Make More Economic Sense To Rent A Crane In Houston Than Purchase One

By Peter Stiller

It doesn't necessarily make sense for businesses, that occasionally need cranes, to actually own fleets of them. Sometimes it can make more sense to lease one and decide later whether or not it makes economic sense to purchase one or more. There are a number of good reasons why Texas businesses prefer to Rent A Crane In Houston than to own one.

It is not unusual for cranes to cost in excess of five hundred thousand dollars. Owners have to decide if purchasing one will save money, over time, as opposed to renting regularly. For businesses that use different types of cranes, the expense is potentially enormous. Renting them is not cheap either. One usually runs several hundred dollars an hour.

One of the advantages of renting heavy equipment is that the rental company usually offers to provide an operator along with it. This person has usually operated the particular piece of equipment in the past and is familiar with any peculiarities it might have. The rental company prefers to have their own employees operating the equipment. This leaves you free to handle other areas of the job.

Renting cranes instead of owning them takes the headache of maintenance out of your hands. Maintaining and repairing heavy equipment can be complex and expensive. When you own these pieces you will have the insurance to consider and will have to hire an experienced and talented repair person to do the work required. Renting the equipment may require a maintenance contract, but it will certainly be more affordable than hiring a full time employee.

Job safety is another area that businesses have to consider when deciding whether to rent or own heavy equipment. An accident involving one of these huge pieces can be deadly. When you rent them, you leave the issues involving maintenance and repair to the equipment owners. They are responsible to ensuring the pieces are safe to operate.

If you are renting equipment, and then decide you need another type or size to do the job, swapping one piece for another is not difficult. It certainly isn't feasible to go out and purchase an expensive piece of equipment for one time use and hope you'll need it again. If you own a crane, and it breaks down, you will be have an idle crew on your hands until it is fixed. The rental company can replace one of their cranes if something happens, keeping your workers on the job.

You may have a job that you thought could be handled without using special equipment. Circumstances can change however, and you can get caught in a situation where your crew is unable to handle the job manually. Renting a crane can be done quickly, and you can meet your deadlines.

Having your own equipment is great. Being able to afford expensive cranes can be a symbol of success. Unless your business demands heavy equipment on a regular basis however, it probably makes more sense to rent.

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