Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What Car Owners Should Know About Dent Repair Paducah KY

By Gregory Reed

Although you drive your vehicle carefully, it may still get dents from time to time. Some of the factors that cause dents include road debris that bounce up to the body, hail, grocery carts hitting the vehicle and collisions. Car dents are of different sizes and shapes.

Car owners may able to remove small dents on their own. However, it is important to hire a professional to repair the larger dents. By working with a professional who offers dent repair Paducah KY inhabitants will restore the appearance of their vehicles. Car owners can be confident that the professional will remove the dents in the best way possible.

In general, there are two types of dent repair, namely paintless and conventional. The paintless method is ideal for repairing small dents. In this method, the paint is not touched up. The conventional method on the other hand is appropriate for larger dents and it usually requires repainting of the damaged panel. The professionals who offer dent repair services often use a filler to fill in the dents and then paint it over. When performing paintless dent repair, the professionals use special tools to exert pressure on the other side of the panel to eliminate the dents.

By using the paintless dent repair method, a professional can bring back the finish of an automobile to like new state without necessarily performing sanding or using filler. This method is also faster compared to the traditional method. A technician is capable of completing the task within several hours. This process is also cost effective because it does not involve the use of filler, paint or primer.

The other benefit of using the paintless method to remove dents is that your car can retain more value. The car does not have to be repainted over the repaired area, which may result in a color mismatch. When traditional body shop work is used to fix car panels, body fillers and paint and usually used. These are more visible and they can therefore impact the value of your vehicle negatively. A paintless repair relies on the skill or the technician and the gentle tools used to remove dents. Therefore, your car will be worth more when the time to sell it comes.

Another benefit of removing dents using the paintless method is conserving the environment because no hazardous chemicals or car paint are used. This method does not release any chemical into the environment. In contrast, the traditional method of removing dents involves the use of chemicals, which are required for the auto paint, clear coat and paint thinners.

You should use the services of a professional because he or she has experience. An experienced professional has refined his or her skills over time. It is impossible to learn how to eliminate dents by just watching videos. This task requires proper skills, resources and equipment. People who opt to fix the dents themselves can cause the paint of their vehicle to chip or crack. The panels may also get damaged.

Professionals are able to effectively fix dents on panels made from steel or aluminum. It is more difficult to manipulate such panels. The professionals then blend any high spots to ensure that the surface of the panel is smooth. This eliminates the need for car owners to carry out touch ups.

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