Sunday, January 20, 2019

Does Your Car Need Transmission Service Redding CA? Here Are The Signs To Look Out For

By Jennifer Patterson

Performing simple preventive measures is always recommended to help your car perform better and faster. Servicing of gears by changing the gearbox fluid is a good habit that will extend the years and miles that your car will give you. The manufacturers recommend that this fluid should be changed when the car reaches a certain mileage. Still, there are other signs that you need to look out for before you consider taking the car for transmission service Redding CA. Here are the most common signs to observe.

As you are driving and you realize that the vehicle produces grinding or unusual noises, this is a clear indicator that it needs gearbox servicing. Such sounds are usually released from the gear system if it has contaminants or when the fluid level is inadequate. If you notice such noises when driving, then you need to pull the car off the road and check the level of the fluid in the system when the engine is still switched on. Take a closer look at the fluid color to see if it is contaminated or not. In the absence of contamination, this color should be bright red.

Regardless of whether you are driving a manual or automatic car, the car needs to have clean fluid flowing through the gearbox system. If the fluid is contaminated with sludge or dirt, then there will be a sluggish response. This means that you will experience problems in shifting the gears. You will experience a scenario where the gears either change to slow or too quickly as you are driving. In the manual vehicle, you might find that it is very hard to change the gears.

Slipping gears is another obvious sign that your car needs this type of service. The presence of dirt in the gearbox system causes a lack of hydraulic power. The system must develop enough pressure if you are to stay in the appropriate gear. The contaminants in the system interfere with the flow of the fluid that helps you to stay in the appropriate gear.

Any forward or backward surge in your car that cannot be explained means that you need to service the gears of your vehicle. Through servicing, you will be able to flush out the pollutants thereby ensuring the seamless flow of the fluid in the gear system. Servicing will ensure that the flow of the fluid is consistent and this is necessary for ensuring the smooth functioning of the gear system.

Finally, look out for any delay in the movement of your car. As you drive around if you notice that the car stalls for one of two seconds, this is a clear indication that the fluid in the gearbox is contaminated. The vehicle only moves after you engage the gears because there is a delay in the system.

You should also look out for any leaking gearbox fluid. If you spot a bright red liquid dripping from the vehicle, then your gearbox system is leaking. You need to take the car for service to avoid significant damages to your gears.

If the above signs have manifested in your car, then it is time for you to book for a transmission service. So, go ahead and call your service technician or visit the servicing bay to get these services.

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