Monday, September 18, 2017

Getting The Right Roadside Truck Service To Keep Your Fleet On The Road

By Susan Rogers

As a business owner, you have a lot of rolling stock. It needs to stay on the road if you want to make money as these are what gets your products to market. It does not make sense that a flat tire or a blown hose can set you back and off of the time schedule you must follow. The way to stay on the road is to contract with a roadside truck service company.

You will be able to find a couple of these expert services in your area. The Internet will provide a short list of shops that do this type of work. Some will concentrate on trucks within their own county or state. Others have agreements with shops all over the country so your trucks are never out of luck.

What you will find, when you contact them, is what they can do for you that your drivers are not prepared or trained to do. This is anything that can stop the trucks from rolling. Taking a good look at some of these things will help you understand how they benefit your firm.

One of the first things that can happen to your trucks is a flat tire. This is not necessarily a hard task to handle. It is, however, complicated when you think about the number of tires on each axle and the weight of each one. A company that shows up and is able to lift that weight is worth a lot. They use their truck as a lift, so your vehicles do not need to carry anything other than the spare tire.

When your trucks need chains, you can either have your yard man do it before they leave the lot, or hope you do not need them on the road. When you do, because it really is dangerous or the law requires it, you need to be able to call your service so it can come running. Some drivers can do this, but you need to have a backup position as well.

Hoses have a tendency, every once in a while, of breaking or rupturing. Fixing this hot piece of rubber or metal can become dangerous, especially since your driver will probably not have the replacement part. The engine must cool down before anything can be done within the engine bay, so calling the service truck will give it time to cool down.

Another thing that can happen is that, as the truck travels across some of the rough surfaces, out there, the load can shift. This shifting can create a situation that makes the truck unbalanced. There is not a lot than one driver can do about this, so the helpful crew can be called. They have dealt with this kind of thing quite often.

Whatever happens to our trucks, on the road, needs to be taken care of quickly. Hiring a company that can handle whatever it is can be of great benefit to your business. No matter what it is, from the smallest problem to the largest one, you need a crew that has the training, equipment, and experience to accomplish what you, your drivers and helpers cannot.

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