Friday, December 14, 2018

Clean Cars And Car Wash History

By Carl Burns

There are so many car washing companies all over the world. There are those that are self serviced where the owner is the one cleaning the entire vehicle but the equipment, of course are from the company. There were also those that hires people to actually do the cleaning. So many ways, so many names and different services are offered. Car Wash in Perham MN alone, there are already uncountable of it.

During the invention of first cars, the means of cleaning it was only done manually. There were originally no car washing businesses that were established. If an owner would like to clean the vehicle, it is usually done in the backyard using either hosed sprinkler or bucket of water and some soap. Now, that is a pretty much waste of time though.

But then, when the first commercial carwash business was built, it was also manual labor through the aide of some attendants. The first semi automatic washers were launched around nineteen forties. United States was the very first country to have machines that helped clean vehicle, in Michigan to be exact. The machine was an automatic pulley system for the washing but the brushing was still done manually.

In just ten years, the modification was crazy huge. There were new machines that were launched from time to time. A businessman decided to own a carwash shop in Oregon and was the very first one to use a mechanized system. That made the man big that thirty one branches all over the America was made possible.

Five years later, the modification continued. There were inventions of machines that could clean several types of cars. Small or big, four wheelers or more, all are accommodated. The car would only have to step into the conveyer belt and the machines would take care of all the cleaning. There were soft cloth friction wash that are specialized in tidying up the tire parts. That is the greatest reason why the industry made it bigger over time.

During the late nineties, there have been challenges when it comes to these business. That was because of the continuous price hikes that affected the market. Although, that was a huge challenge, there were still new cleaning equipment invented. Those were an automatic wheel cleaner and a polishing wax.

Drying the cars were through the use of dryers, side and top brushes that are made to dry materials. In addition, shiners have been very popular since it allows the vehicle to shine like a brand new. Full service car washing uses a conveyorized machines with the help of attendants to manually wipe some residue. It includes polishing the exteriors.

Interiors were included in the cleaning, these were shampooed and steamed to ensure protection too. Touchless washing became popular as well. Since this method of washing minimizes the incidents of scratches on the surfaces, it became huge hit.

The brush, when motion is not controlled well could create little marks. But, through the touchless washing, there is no longer need to use them. High water pressure and chemicals were only the things used to make it possible.

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